About Us

The School aims to provide an excellent education within the religious traditions of Orthodox Judaism.  With the guidance of our Menahel, Rabbi B Cohen, we promote traditional Jewish values whilst delivering the highest standards of Kodesh and Chol (Secular) studies within a warm and embracing Jewish atmosphere.  By equipping our pupils with understanding, knowledge and skills in Kodesh and Chol studies we enable them to take their place as observant Jews in the modern world.  In all that we do we seek to promote good Middos (Positive Character Development) and to apply ‘Torah im Derech Eretz’ – ensuring one’s behaviour  is in harmony with Torah values as well as the law of the land.

We emphasize the importance of Shabbos, Kashrus and Tznius (modesty in dress code and in behaviour).  We ask parents to support and assist the School in the practical education of their children in these crucial areas of Jewish life.  Pupils should experience no conflict between school education and home life.  It is therefore important for parents to appreciate our aspirations and work with us in all areas for the benefit of “our” children.