
Any concerns out of hours should be directed to The Bridge at Salford on 0161 603 4500 or an email to 

The welfare and safety of all those on site is paramount. We follow Safer Recruitment processes when employing staff.

Staff receive regular Child Protection and Safeguarding training, and are aware of how to monitor the children. In particular we focus on how to teach our children how to stay safe. This includes all aspects of online safety.

Staff last received Child Protection and Safeguarding training (whole school) on 1st September 2024.   

Volunteers are also reminded of the expectations with in this area.

It is important for parents to maintain open dialogues with their children so that should their child have any worries or fears they will feel comfortable and speak directly to their parents. ICT equipment needs very careful and strong defence mechanisms in place so that parents can be reassured about the activities their children get involved with. 

We are rolling out the NSPCC Programme, 'Talk PANTS and Stay Safe' to the children in school. Parents are advised to look at the following leaflets and to visit the NSPCC website where there are lots of resources that can help you. Please follow the links below:

NSPCC Talk About Pants

Worried About A Child In The Community?

Parents Guide To Talking

Child Friendly Leaflet

The NSPCC have a wealth of useful advice and information covering topics such as: On Line Safety, Relationships, Support for Parents, Children's Mental Health etc. Please click the following link to access the Keeping Children Safe section of their website - NSPCC KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE

Keeping Children Safe in Sport - NSPCC

Sport is a fantastic thing for children and young people. It helps them socialise, keeps them fit and more importantly can introduce them into an interest for life. One which will increase their quality of life far into the future, setting good habits and instilling values and self-discipline. Engaging with them in this manner can show them new directions for their lives and expand their opportunities. Unfortunately there are, like with anything, risks attached. Away matches, interactions with non-school staff such as coach drivers, out-of-school coaches and other personnel can create vulnerability windows that could be exploited. To help head off these potential problems, the NSPCC has created a page dedicated to offering guidance on how to keep pupils safe in sporting environments. To find out more please follow the link below: 

For advice on how to keep your child safe from sexual abuse, please click on the link below for a useful website, with useful  guidance: 

Our BJPS Safeguarding Policy, which includes the Operation Encompass procedure, is available for you to read in the Policies section.


In order to gain an overall view of the effectiveness of the Equal Opportunities, Safeguarding and Pupil Premium Policies, surveys will be carried out amongst children, parents, staff, governors and visitors. The information gathered will be analysed to see what is working well and what needs to be developed further. This will feed into action plans and targets across different departments. 

Early Help, Safeguarding and Child Protection

At BJCFPS, the safety and welfare of children are paramount. We seek to provide an environment where all children are safe, secure, valued, respected and listened to.

We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risk of harm to children’s welfare is minimised. Where we have concerns, we will take appropriate action to address those concerns working in full partnership with other agencies.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and we ensure that all staff are aware of and have the skills to deal with any safeguarding or child protection concerns. Robust recruitment procedures and regular training/professional development programmes ensure that there is a strong culture and ethos of safeguarding throughout the school.

If concerns are raised, we will always seek to discuss them with the child’s parent or carer, however, depending on the nature of our concern, it may be necessary to make an immediate referral to Salford’s Children’s Services.

Good communication and effective record keeping ensure that staff are able to identify concerns quickly, and provide necessary help, with the aim of limiting any escalation.

Our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy clearly outlines procedures that must be followed. 

We are also required to have a Designated Safeguarding Lead professional who we report any obvious or suspected cases of child abuse – that includes non-accidental injury, severe neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse.

Mrs Caplan and Mrs Jaysan: Designated Safeguarding Leads

Other members of the Safeguarding Team include:

  • Rabbi Pearlman: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (HT)

  • Miss Taylor: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer (DHT)

  • Mrs Deacon: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer (AHT)

  • Mrs Anderson Deputy Designated Safeguarding (Pastoral Lead)


Safeguarding is defined as:
  • Protecting children from maltreatment;

  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development;

  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and

  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances.

The link governor for Safeguarding is Mrs T Tabor and Mr M Krebs.

If you have a concern about a child’s safety, you can also follow the link below to FILL IN.


BJCFPS is part of Operation Encompass, run jointly by Salford Schools and Greater Manchester Police. Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before 10 a.m. on a school day when a child or young person has been involved in, or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening.

For further information, please see the link below. 

To support the children in school, we use the following programmes. Please support your children with these at home. 

Speak Out Stay Safe  - Year 2 and Year 6

PANTS Programme - the whole school from Early Years to Year 6




Operation Encompass


Broughton Jewish understands that using online services is an important aspect of raising educational standards, promoting pupil achievement, and enhancing teaching and learning. The use of online services is embedded throughout the school; therefore, there are a number of controls in place to ensure the safety of pupils and staff.

The breadth of issues classified within online safety is considerable, but they can be categorised into four areas of risk:

Content: Being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material.

Contact: Being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users.

Conduct: Personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm.

Commerce: Risks such as online gambling, inappropriate advertising, phishing and/or financial scams.

The measures implemented to protect pupils and staff revolve around these areas of risk.

To support your children at home, we recommend the use of the following websites:


The following posters offer advice and give key knowledge about various social media platforms: