
All children from KS1 are expected to wear the official School uniform during school hours, including Sunday morning, consisting of the following:

  • Grey or black trousers (flannel type)                   
  • Pale blue short or long sleeve logoed polo shirt  
  • Navy blue long sleeved logoed sweatshirt
  • School Cappel (Must be bought from the school office)   
  • Navy or grey socks                               
  • Black, brown or navy sensible shoes
  • Navy blue logoed cap
  • Hair should be short and neat with no patterned haircuts.
  • Hair should not be shaved (unless authorised by the principal)
  • Hair must be worn above the collar, (no long hair tied up in a bun / knot / pony tail etc)
  • No Jewellery is allowed apart from a simple watch.          
  • Navy pinafore dress or flared skirt extending at least to the knee 
  • Pale blue long sleeve logoed polo shirt   
  • Navy blue long sleeved logoed sweatshirt 
  • Navy or black tights, or white or navy ankle/knee socks (not trainer socks)
  • Black, brown or navy sensible shoes
  • Hair must be neat and tied back if long.
  • No Jewellery is allowed apart from a simple watch and earrings. Piercings should only be in the ears – this is to avoid any health and safety issues, especially considering PE

All logoed items of the school uniform must be bought on the www.my-uniforms.co.uk website, apart from the Cappel which must be purchased from the school office.

Boys and girls are encouraged to wear white shirts on Rosh Chodesh


Key Stage 1 

Pale blue short or long sleeve logoed polo shirt

Navy blue long sleeve logoed sweatshirt or cardigan

Navy blue logoed cap 

School bag


Key Stage 2  

Pale blue short sleeve logoed polo shirt (boys)

Pale blue long sleeve logoed polo shirt (girls compulsory, boys optional)

Navy blue long sleeve logoed sweatshirt or cardigan

Navy blue logoed cap 

School bag




All pupils should have a cap to ensure they are all recognisable when they go on school trips, and secondly during the summer term it will protect from the sun.

The school’s Menahel, Rabbi Berel Cohen, has decided that whilst all children in KS1 can wear the short sleeve polo shirt, girl’s in KS2 MUST wear the long sleeve polo shirt.

In addition, each child will need a school logoed book bag only, no other school bag is allowed.

KS1 boys will be expected to wear the school cappel from entering Reception

In the Summer term children may roll up sleeves neatly and not wear pullovers.

A letter will be sent to the parents of any child not complying with the school uniform policy. The school reserves the right to send any child home if the non-compliance continues after five days from the date of the letter.

For P.E. all children will need:-

  • Plimsolls (slip-on/velcro only with elasticated sides for Infants)
  • White T shirt
  • Navy or black shorts for boys
  • Navy or black shorts or skirts for girls 
  • Girls Ks1 and KS2 Navy or black tracksuit bottoms may be worn in the cold weather.
  • Named drawstring bag (just large enough for P.E. Kit)

Children not having the correct kit will be withdrawn from P.E. (including extra-curricular P.E.) Also on Sports Day, any children not having the correct kit will not be allowed to take part.

Girls must wear the school skirt when entering and leaving the school, even if going straight to or from P.E.

Any parents who have difficulty providing their children with clothes of a suitable appearance due to financial considerations should approach the Bursar, in strict confidence, who will be able to help.

KS1 children will have their own named peg for their belongings.  

All footwear and clothing, particularly cardigans and coats must be clearly named. During bad weather, children should wear water-proof/ warm clothing and footwear. For hygiene and comfort, boots or wellingtons should be taken off in school and replaced by shoes whilst inside school.

It would be appreciated if parents would contribute to the school, good quality clothes for school uniform when these are no longer needed.