Extra Curricular
Our School seeks to nurture and encourage a sense of Achdus (unity) with Klal Yisroel (Jewish People) together with love for Eretz Yisroel (the Land of Israel). This close association with Israel is recognised through special Assemblies and events to commemorate Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), Yom Hazikaron (Remembrance Day) and activities for Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day). Throughout the year, extra curricular activities are designed and delivered to deepen the children’s connection to Israel. These are supported by Israeli Shlichot.
Taking responsibility for society and beyond is a key theme and each Key Stage will have a designated Tzedokah to support. The extra-curricular program also includes activities such as visiting local old age homes, Melave Malkas and following the Jewish calendar we plan model Sedorim, Tu BShevat tree planting, Shofar workshops and Menorah lighting to name just a few examples. We also look for opportunities to welcome parents in for joint activities with their children such as parent-child learning and Hebrew reading ‘cafes’
All of these experiences are designed to contribute to the unique Ruach that permeates the school and enhance our home-school partnership.