Hebrew Reading

Hebrew is the primary skill required for Torah learning and our Kriah programme has been revamped to ensure every child leaves BJPS as an accurate and fluent reader.

Our programme has opportunities for multi sensory learning, is very systematic and structured, has lots of opportunities for overlearning and gives the children a feel good factor, building confidence in reading.

The formal instruction begins in Reception where the children learn the Alphabet. In year 1 they learn the vowels and are ready by the Spring term in year 2 to begin the Chumash Readiness programme.

In KS1 and KS2, every lesson begins with class reading. A team of 1-1 reading staff are deployed to ensure that children are read with individually through the course of the week, and that progress is being made. Homework is structured to consolidate the reading skills being learnt in class.

Interventions are designed and implemented for those requiring extra support. The reading coordinator in conjunction with the Kodesh SENDCO ensure the interventions are targeted to the learning needs of those children.

Work is in progress to incorporate evidence-based methodologies based on the ‘Science of Reading’ into Hebrew literacy in a broader sense across the school, including input from Israeli Shlichot to enhance language exposure, via monthly themes.

In Year 2, children are introduced to writing in Hebrew script. This is then reinforced in Y3 and consolidated in their written work as they move through KS2.

Kriah Neimah Schedule Per Year Group
Year Book Content
1 Kriah Neimah HaSholeim Shaar HaOsiyos
    Shaar Nekudos 2-3
    Shaar HaVorois and Shaar HaMilim
    Shaar HaKelolim 1-12


Year Book Content
2 Kriah Neimah  Shaar HaVorois and Shaar HaMilim
    Shaar HaKelolim 1-12
    Shaar HaKelolim Dargeh 2 
    Perokim 5-9
  Amirah Neimah 1 Chazoroh Neimah
    Perokim 1-2


Year Book Content
3 Amirah Neimah 1 Perokim 1-2
    Perokim 3-4 + Dargeh Shniah
    Perokim 5-8
    Perek 9


Year Book Content
4 Amirah Neimah 1 Perokim 3-4 + Dargeh Shniah
    Perokim 5-8
  Amirah meimah 2 Perokim 1-4 + Dargeh Shniah
    Perokim 5-9 + Dargeh Shniah


Year Book Content
5 Tehillim Neimah Chazoroh Neimah 
    Dargeh Shniah
    Tehillim Neimah (first half of the book)


Year Book Content
6 Tehillim Neimah Chazoroh Neimah 
    Tehillim Neimah (second half of the book)


Kriah Neimah

Amirah Neimah 1

Amirah Neimah 2

Tehillim Neimah

Reading benchmark