Sports Premium

 Sports Premium has focused on staff CPD and the enhancement of children's learning in lessons. Salford sports coaches have come in to teach alongside staff, providing extra resources, different approaches and focusing on skills which sometimes require specialists. (For example gymnastics involving cartwheels, different rolls, handstands and yoga.) 

Staff have provided regular feedback to coaches on the benefit to their pupils and coaches have written detailed reports on pupil progress for the end of each half term. 

After school sports run on a Monday Wednesday and Thursday including hockey, basketball and gymnastics.

Lessons taught alongside coaches this year have been :

  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Hockey
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Athletics

The sports coaches also run lunchtime clubs have been focused on getting girls involved in sport, with activities including basketball and football.

Sports day always takes place with many different activities, including javelin, sprint, long jump, assault course and ball skills.