Online Safety means being safe and responsible with technology. We believe that children should be encouraged to use new technology and to embrace the positive impact it can have on their education. We do, however, recognise the risks and dangers new technologies can bring; especially from the internet. We encourage you to access the available information below to support your understanding of how we keep your children safe online at BJCFPS.
For more general information about staying safe online visit Thinkuknow.co.uk — the CEOP Centre’s online safety website providing advice and tips for children and adults of all ages.
The following child friendly booklet may also prove useful when discussing online safety with your children:
Staff and parents at BJCFPS recently attended online safety training. The following guide was used and can support your understanding of how to keep your children safe when accessing common technologies such as laptops, tablets and smart phones:
Another useful website giving advice and resources for parents to use to help them and their families stay safe, is:
This covers the area of extremism but also supports keeping children safe generally. It also gives links to Parentzone and UK Internet Safer Centre which provide useful guidance for parents. Please access and see what they have to offer. There are free copies of the Digital Parenting magazine in the school foyer. Copies of past editions can also be downloaded from the Parentzone website.
A general factsheet for parents is available below as well as a 'Keeping Our Children Safe' booklet:
The following poster is an 'Age Ratings Guide' for parents for console games, films and television:
Please click on the following links to access some age appropraite content about online safety that you can share at home with your children:
Common Sense Media rates movies, TV shows, books, and more so parents can feel good about the entertainment choices they make for their kids. They offer the largest, most trusted library of independent age-based ratings and reviews. Their timely parenting advice supports families as they navigate the challenges and possibilities of raising kids in the digital age.
Sign up for their newsletter by clicking on the following link:
Net Aware, produced by O2 and NSPCC, is a guide for parents to 39 of the most popular sites, apps and games that young people use. It's simple and easy to use, making it easier for parents to stay up to date with their child's online world. It's also available as an app.
Sign up for their newsletter below:
If you would like further information about online safety at BJCF, please contact the school office and we will gladly help you.