“Connecting Hearts and Minds to Become Inspired Torah Jews”
For the Broughton Jewish Pupil, Kodesh forms a substantial and important part of the school programme, representing 40% of the teaching timetable, this includes Sunday morning classes for years 5 and 6 which are exclusively dedicated to Jewish learning. In addition, years 5 and 6 have further opportunity to enrich their Kodesh education by attending the voluntary Darchei Noam sessions after school. These take place twice a week for the boys and once a week for the girls.
As part of our drive to nurture well balanced, wholesome Torah engaged individuals aligned with the school ethos of Torah im Derech Eretz, our Kodesh Teaching and Learning provision focuses on three areas of need- the emotional, spiritual and intellectual.
Positive relationships between staff and pupils form the bedrock of our approach to behaviour. Emotional coaching and restorative conversations are the tools staff have been trained to use to keep children on track and well being programmes are timetabled across the school to develop children’s emotional awareness. The nurture classroom and learning hub are places in school where children can have their emotional needs met.
Positive relationships underpin our approach to spirituality in terms of children being nurtured to develop a relationship with themselves, their friends, the Torah they learn, the world in which they live and Hashem. Teachers’ planning incorporates a focus on spirituality and children learn how to reflect on the impact their Torah learning is having on them. The Beis Midrash is a place in school where children can have their spiritual needs met.
Every Kodesh subject is taught with a specific methodology with the aim that children can be empowered to develop the appropriate learning tools to become life long Torah learners. At BJPS we aspire to educate our pupils in a way that they see themselves as an integral part of our ongoing Tradition. By helping them engage in the process of Torah learning and not just on its knowledge outcomes, we believe, and parents confirm, the pupils connect to Torah learning.
Our Kodesh staff blend traditional teaching methods with a range of methodologies and technology to captivate the children, and maintain their interest. The School continually supports the professional development of staff and is keen to ensure that all staff have a sound grasp of educational principles, and good classroom practices.
Kodesh learning is enhanced throughout the year with a range of arts and crafts projects, linked to Yomim Tovim or topics being learnt.