Governors & members

Meet the Governors

I am Solicitor. BJPS is not just a school. It’s a community and a way of life of today in derech eretz. I joined the governing body over 10 years ago to help behind the scenes and have since been vice chair and now chair of governors. 

I previously ran a trading business and now I am a property investor/ consultant.

My siblings and I were all born local to the school and we all went through BJPS. 

I now have 5 children that have either been through the school or are there currently. Therefore I feel I have BJPS in my blood.

As a result I feel a strong connection & bond, as well as being extremely passionate about what the school stands for - Torah Im Derech Eretz.

It is for this reason that I wanted to become a governor. I believe that this long connection with the school has given me the experience & understanding to be able to take on this role. My involvement in other communal matters, along with the relationships this has created, will further help my responsibilities as a school governor.

Managing Director @ Delta Fulfilment

Managing and growing a Service Led business in the world of logistics. Currently staff levels of 80 people.

BJPS holds a special place in my heart, with three generations of my family, including myself and my children, having attended and attending the school. As an alumnus, I feel a deep connection to its community and values. Becoming a foundation governor has given me the opportunity to channel my commercial and entrepreneurial expertise into empowering the school and contributing to its continued growth and success

My name is Penina Schwalbe and have been a foundation governor since 2023. 

I have loved coming into Broughton Jewish over the years and talking to various year groups and assemblies in my professional role as a dentist, enjoying a little glimpse of what goes on beyond dropping off and picking up my children as a parent! When the opportunity arose to become more involved in the school as a governor I was most attracted to the ability to play a role in the direction and support of our wonderful school, such as being involved in quality of education and kodesh committees. Broughton Jewish has been fantastic so far for my own children and I enjoy the buzzing, happy atmosphere created by all the children and staff. It is a privilege to be part of a school where we are helping to shape well rounded, proudly Jewish young people who will be valuable members of our future community.

I am a KS2 teacher and KS2 Department lead in a local school. Being a governor allows me to become involved in strategic discussions both around the education of the school aswell as any other matters that may arise; all of which combine to help give our children the very best personal, social and academic education that is possible! BJPS is a wonderful school where children are happy and their love for being Jewish shines through everything they do. I look forward to continuing to see the school shine on many different levels in the future.

Hi, my name is Yaacov Goldin. I am a Primary School teacher at King David Primary school. Currently I teach Year 4. I bring to the role of governor my knowledge of primary education, teaching and learning. I have been previously nominated in the PAJES teacher awards for two consecutive years. I am currently the head of computing & run the social media and school website. 

I love being a parent governor at Broughton Jewish and I am proud that my daughter attends the school. I look forward to Broughton Jewish going from strength to strength. 

I have experience of being a governor having  been a governor of  a school in London and another one in Manchester previously since 2018.

I have been associated with this School both as a pupil, having attended Latham House and Broughton Jewish Primary School and as a parent, all my four children are all proud pupils of this wonderful School.

My family's association with the School dates back to its very beginning – my grandfather, Mr Simcha Fulda, whom I am named after, founded the School shortly after his arrival in Manchester from Germany, during the Second World War.  I am a Foundation Governor of the School and was Chairman of one of the founding members of the Broughton Jewish Opportunity Fund.  My family continues to be proudly associated with this School, its continued growth and success.

My name is Michael krebs, I am a barrister and father of three who have been through or are still in BJSP. They have all benefited enormously from the care and attention received everyday and anything I can do to to help maintain this standard is a privilege. I am part of the safeguarding team with an emphasis on SEND. I also run a Maccabi football Team which is primarily a School team

My name is Leo Lachs, and I am proud to serve as a governor for BJCFPS. Both my wife and I attended the school as children, and now, with our own children enrolled, I felt it was important to give back to the community that gave us so much. Joining the board of governors allows me to contribute to the success of the next generation, supporting them in both their Secular and Kodesh studies while helping the school continue to thrive.

I am so grateful there is a school like BJPS with an ethos of Torah Im Derech Eretz. BJPS doesn't just teach this on paper, but demonstrates this to the children every day. The warm and caring atmosphere in BJPS cultivates the perfect conditions for learning and development.

I have particular interest in Safeguarding and Wellbeing and I really enjoy being governor and working with staff to focus on these areas.

I am a born and bred Mancunian living in Manchester almost all of my life. Although I may not have attended BJCFPS, I have always felt a very strong connection to the school, as I grew up right across the road from the school. Now being the father of two children in the school this connection is only strengthened.

I enjoy involving myself  with the community and various charities, offering my assistance where I can. I am the Company Director and founder of Brantlegh Waste Management and Grafflux Chauffeur services. 

I joined the BJCFPS team at the start of 2020, being mainly involved in the school's building and maintenance, ensuring everything runs as smoothly as possible. My mission in the school is to make sure that we can continue to provide a safe, secure, and friendly environment, for our children to continue to grow, and reach their very best potential.

As a Chartered Accountant, I serve as the Finance Governor at Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School, ensuring financial stability and strategic resource management. I apply my expertise to support the school’s mission of excellence in both Kodesh and Secular studies, fostering a strong financial foundation for the pupils' growth.

Teacher Governors

Rabbi Dr Yehuda Pearlman – Principal

Nicola Taylor – Deputy Head

Nicola Jaysan – Teacher

Catherine Davies – Teacher 


Governor responsibilities

Governor   Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development Finance and Premises Quality of Education
David Bondt Foundation  Yes Yes Yes
Catherine Davies Teacher No No Yes
Sydney Fulda Foundation  No No Yes
Yaakov Goldin Parent Yes No No
Steven Graff Foundation  No Yes No
Nicola Jaysan Teacher No No Yes
Alison Kaye Community No No Yes - Chair
Leo Lachs Foundation  Yes Yes Yes
Dani Mechlowitz Foundation  No Yes Yes
David Mechlowitz Foundation  Yes Yes Yes
Izzi Rosenberg Foundation  No Yes - Chair No
Penina Schwalbe Foundation  No No Yes
Tamar Tabor Foundation  Yes – Chair No No
Nicola Taylor 
(Deputy Headteacher)
Teacher Yes Yes Yes
Yehuda Pearlman (Principal) Teacher Yes Yes Yes



Mr Dov Black

Reb Berel Cohen

Rabbi Avraham Jaffe