Vision & Values

"Torah im Derech Eretz" is at the heart of everything we do at BJCFPS. We aim to provide an excellent, balanced education which includes daily Kodesh and Secular Studies underpinned by  emotional and spiritual wellbeing.. 

To that end,

  • Kodesh Studies incorporates a broad curriculum that promotes knowledge, understanding and skills for continued life-long learning.
  • Secular Studies follow the National Curriculum and allows each child to achieve his or her maximum potential through excellent teaching , learning and specialised support when necessary.
  • Our  pupils are nurtured to develop their self awareness and Middos Tovos.
  • Our culture promotes positive relationships building the confidence and self-esteem of everyone in it.
Our Mission     
  • To provide a balanced education which includes daily Kodesh and Chol Studies and a focus on positive character development.

  • To provide Kodesh Studies which provide knowledge, understanding and skills for continued life-long learning.

  • To provide Chol Studies which follow the National Curriculum and allow each child to achieve his or her maximum potential through excellent teaching , learning and specialised support when necessary.

  • To provide an environment which encourages pupils to develop their Middos.

  • To provide a safe and secure environment, which promotes the confidence and self-esteem of everyone in it.

The Ideal BJCFPS Graduate
Values Beliefs /Philosophies
  1. Has a strong connection to Hashem as the creator of the world and a belief in His involvement in it.

  2. Values the Torah as divinely revealed, and its value as a guide to living a Torah life in a wider modern world.

  3. Sees herself /himself in a crucial role as a future link in the chain of Jewish heritage

  4. Believes in the inherent value of every human being regardless of race, religion and gender as being created in the image of G-d.

  5. Is aware of the value of all components of G-d’s creation.

  6. Appreciates the religious significance of Eretz Yisrael (Israel) in the context of the wider world, and the importance of the State of Israel and its institutions.

Behavioural/Affective Characteristics
  1. Has a pride in her/his Jewish identity and in its practices.

  2. Displays a healthy self-confidence that inspires others.

  3. Demonstrates respect and compassion for every human being no matter how different.

  4. Demonstrates arevut (responsibility) for the sharing of our heritage.

  5. Is engaged in and committed to ongoing learning and self-improvement.

  6. Displays an interest in actively promoting kindness within her/his community and beyond.

  7. Displays a curiosity and wonder about the world in which they live.

Skills (Is able to….)
  1. To develop their own self-awareness.

  2. To empathise and show compassion (social awareness)

  3. To self-reflect.

  4. To think flexibly and adapt to new situations.

  5. To use the tools taught at school to become proactive learners.

  6. To manage their emotions and effectively communicate their needs and concerns.

  7. To take on new experiences and feedback with a positive approach.

  8. To be resilient and patient in order to problem solve.

  9. To create and maintain friendships.

To understand the implications of their actions and take responsibility for this. (Right and Wrong).