Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

 In 2011, the Department for Education allocated a new ‘Pupil Premium Grant’ in the place of several other grants previously allocated to school budgets by previous governments.

Broughton Jewish uses this funding to support key groups of children to ensure they reach their full potential. We are aware that some groups of children require additional support in order to achieve well and the Pupil Premium helps them in those areas that have been identified.

Amount Received

The pupil premium which has been allocated for this year is £35520.  The figure is based on the Census conducted in October 2022 and covers this current academic year.

Pupil Premium is allocated to pupils known to be eligible for free school meals in any of the previous six years, to children of any servicemen/women and to looked-after children.

Schools can spend the pupil premium in the most appropriate ways to support the pupils in their settings for whom it is paid.  All schools are accountable for outcomes of pupils who qualify for the premium.

How has this made a difference to our children?                 

BJPS is proud of the achievements of all pupils, including the attainment and progress of pupils eligible for Free School Meals. We continually monitor the impact of how the funding has helped groups of children make good progress and reach good level of attainment.

Pupils in this category at BJPS perform very well compared to other groups of pupils within our school and also similar groups nationally.