Assemblies at BJCF

Assemblies take place on a weekly basis across our school. We have EYFS, KS1 and KS2 weekly assemblies as well as whole school assemblies on special occasions.  

During assemblies we give out a variety of educational certificates to congratulate children on their learning and progress within school as well as celebrate birthdays and Mazel Tovs.

Every assembly we celebrate success and achievements from out of school ( swimming and gymnastics). This promotes the British Value of Individual Liberty. 

We also give out certificates to children who have demonstrated strong values ( Rule of Law). 

We have recently introduced our weekly 'Compliments To...' segment to our assemblies during which staff members write a compliment for a different member of staff. This is very encouraging for both staff and pupils, reiterating the concept that we all contribute to our school community in our own way. 


CLICK HERE to download our assemblies timetable for the academic year 2022-23. 



From September 2022, we are introducing Assembly Books. KS1 and KS2 will have an assembly book used to log their assemblies learning. 


Some of the topics we have covered in our assemblies include: 


Respect and Tolerance: We watched a Seasame Street video on what respect is and how it is important to respect everyone in and out of school. We discussed that you should show respect even if you disagree with a person.

Honesty: Mrs Jaysan and Miss Emerson played a game of noughts and crosses and Mrs Jaysan cheated. We discussed how the other person may have been feeling. The children then shared other ways of cheating and how it can impact on your learning.

Fairness:  We read the story of Little Red Hen and discussed how it was fair that because she did all the work that she should get all the bread. This lead into a discussion about how some things can be seen to be unfair such as book level colours. 

Responsibility:  We watched the story of Horton Who Hatches an Egg. This was followed up by a discussion ( and an activity which was done in class) about different ways that we are responsible for our own learning and belongings( Individual Liberty) . 

Odd Socks Day : We had an assembly about Down's Syndrome  - (Mutual Respect) 

Cooperation - ( BV Mutual Respect ) We learnt about how to respect each other, to be cooperative and collaborative and to be supportive. 

Diversity: Ronald the Rhino story about accepting differences and celebrating individuality​. Click the link here to download this e-book story as a PowerPoint: 'Ronald The Rhino'

Food Hygiene Week : Miss Emerson gave a demonstration on how to wash hands correctly/ incorrectly. 

Kindness :

Courage: Year 2 shared ways that they have been courageous 




In our KS2 Friday assemblies we always start with a D'var Torah written and read by a pupil. We then move on to Certificates both for Kodesh and Secular, as well as any weekly Mazal Tov's, Birthday's and the class with the best attendance. Finally, we end with a song or story.






December 2022

Year 6 did an amazing assembly on 'Protected Characteristics'. They spoke about how people can be inspirational despite and because of their race, religion, gender, disability and ethnicity. Well done, Year 6!



Faith Assembly

Rabbi Saunders, Rev Christine Threlfall and Rabbi Pearlman led a beautiful multi-faith assembly for the whole school in November 2022. We were delighted to welcome members of our local community to speak about their faith. We also heard from different members of the BJPS staff team, who shared why their faith is important to them.





Remembrance Day 

Key stage 2 had a special assembly to commemorate Remembrance Day. We welcomed Mr Ross who shared a video and story about World War One and Jewish soldiers. Y5 shared war poetry they had written, inspired by the English poet and soldier Wilfred Owen. Owen, who died fighting in WW1, was horrified by the appalling injuries suffered by his comrades and wrote powerful poems to encourage the fighting to stop. We used words and phrases from his poems to add to our own ideas - all of the children produced powerful, expressive poems.

Y6 learnt about the Poppy Appeal in class and are selling poppies in break times.





Anti-Bullying Week Assembly:





We had a KS1 Bonfire themed assembly! KS1 learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and why the 5th of November is a big celebration in Britain!






For 'Recycling Week' we had a fantastic environmental themed assembly. We learnt all about the importance of 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'!

Click this link to watch the video via YouTube.






Key Stage 1 had an assembly on Sikhism. We learnt so much about Sikh customs and traditions! We learnt that Sikh people don’t cut their hair. We learnt how they put their hair up in a turban.






We shared a meaningful 'Saying Sorry' powerpoint and learnt a new song about this important theme - take a look at it here!


We also had a wonderful assembly on the theme of humour, where our BJPS children were challenged to write their own jokes! Have a look at a few below...




As part of our Environment Day learning, we shared the following story - The Messy Magpie - why not read it together at home and discuss the importance of helping keep our environment clean. 



KS2 Prize Giving Assembly

Please click on the links below to access the fantastic video slideshows of our Key Stage 2 children's learning! We shared these videos at our Prize Giving Assembly at the end of the academic year for all to watch and enjoy - there is a video for year groups 3, 4 & 5 sharing images of all the highlights of year 2018-19 at BJPS. Enjoy!

Year 3 PG Video

Year 4 PG Video

Year 5 PG Video